Monday, June 2, 2008

Promote Your Band on MySpace - Wired How-To Wiki

Promote Your Band on MySpace - Wired How-To Wiki: "Promote Your Band on MySpace
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Like it or not, MySpace is a vital promotional tool for the web-savvy musician. As a multimedia-rich environment, bands have unparalleled access to their fans on both a social and musical level. However, achieving a full-on marketing coup is tougher than it looks. Here are a few tips for using the site to promote your soon-to-be rockstar band.

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* 1 How To Proceed
o 1.1 Step 1: Gather Your Promotional Materials
+ 1.1.1 Pictures
+ 1.1.2 Music
+ 1.1.3 Video
+ 1.1.4 Bios
+ 1.1.5 Events
o 1.2 Step 2: Window Shop for a Page Layout
o 1.3 Step 3: Setup a Core Base of Friends
o 1.4 Step 4: Update Often
o 1.5 Step 5: Branch Out

How To Proceed
Step 1: Gather Your Promotional Materials

Ironically, this initial step starts out offline. First, collect any promotional materials you've produced for the band"